SEO Translation German
As an agency for SEO translations into German, we support you in your SEO strategy with regard to internationalization in German-speaking countries. We do not rely on a literal translation of the content, but take into account the local requirements of the German language. With MONDIS, your content will be perceived correctly in the German-speaking world.
Using German correctly for each language area
Where are the challenges in SEO translations into German?
German is an interesting and grammatically challenging language that can be challenging to use correctly in SEO and marketing. German is not only spoken in Germany itself, but also has the status of an official language in Liechtenstein and Austria. In addition, there are minority shares in Switzerland, Denmark, the Netherlands, Belgium, Poland and Russia. Even in Romania, Hungary or the Czech Republic there is a German-speaking share of the population. The assumption that all potential customers can be reached by creating a single German-language site is fundamentally wrong. Rather, each market must be considered on its own and receive its own SEO translation in German. When evaluating websites, search engines such as Google or Bing take into account whether the exact customer approach and local language customs have been included in the content.
Localize German SEO texts
In addition to the actual localization of the website, excellent SEO translations require researching the appropriate keywords that guarantee a high number of visitors. The interaction of exact knowledge of the target market, the translation by a native speaker and the knowledge of the search-relevant keywords make a very good SEO translation. The goal is to pay attention to the correct spellings, pronunciations and accents used in the different language areas. It is important to recognize the respective linguistic, cultural and search engine relevant terms and to incorporate these into the German translation. Those who take these basic factors into account in an SEO translation in German have excellent chances of achieving very good rankings in the search engines.
German SEO Translations
What are typical mistakes in German translations?
- Intensifications that do not really exist: A common mistake in the use of the German language is to use intensifications that do not really exist. For example, there are no intensifications of „voll“, „leer“, „neu“, „bestmöglich“ or „optimal“.
- “Zur Zeit” and “zurzeit”: The use of German terminology and grammar holds numerous stumbling blocks in the German language. Exemplary for this is the use of “Zur Zeit” and “zurzeit”. “zurzeit” is an adverb and is considered a synonym for “at the moment” or “now”. Examples would be: “Das Wetter ist zurzeit schlecht” (“the weather is bad at the moment”) or “Zur Zeit der Dinosaurier” (“At the time of the dinosaurs”).
- The use of “wie” and “als”: The word “als” usually expresses an inequality. “In Schweden ist es kühler als in Spanien,” while the “wie” is used in comparisons – “Er ist ungefähr so groß wie du.”
- Apostrophe where none belongs: This classic comes from the English language and has almost caught on even in Germany. “Sabrina’s Kiosk” is actually wrong and should be called “Sabrinas Kiosk”. Only for the fact that someone wants to open a business and attach a sign with a genitive to it, it can be called “Sabrina’s Kiosk”.
- Female and masculine endings in Anglicisms: The high number of Anglicisms is causing major problems for the German language. Words that we have adopted from the English language and that do not have a gender in their original form are not given one in German either. “Teenagerin” and “Songwriterin” do not exist – it remains with Teenager and Songwriter.
- Genitive with -s: Another classic of the German language is the genitive with -s. This is only possible with names. “Sabrinas Mann” is correct”, however “Meine Schwesters Mann” is wrong!
Keyword Research for the German Language
What is searched for in German-speaking countries?
It is the subtleties that distinguish a very good SEO translation in German. The multitude of German language areas makes it necessary to conduct a separate keyword research for each one. In Germany and Austria, there are different names for certain words, or in Germany alone, there are already several names for one product. An example of this is a pastry that can be called “Krapfen”, “Berliner” or “Pfannkuchen”. Another example is the “Frikadelle”, which is also used as “Fleischküchle”, “Fleischpflanzerl”, “Bulette” or “Fleischklops” in the German language.
Consider search engine shares and usage
In the German-speaking regions, Google is clearly ahead with its search engine shares. In Austria, Germany as well as Switzerland, the share is over 90 percent. However, SEO experts should also consider Bing or the ecological search engine Ecosia if these are used significantly more often by the target group in the market. Accordingly, the SEO translation must be adapted to the frequency with which keywords are used and applied. Only with a comprehensive user analysis can the basis for a very good German translation be created.
German in Germany and Austria
Differences between German in Germany and Austria
English | German in Germany | German in Austria |
to shake off | abschütteln | abbeuteln |
to close | zuschließen | absperren |
young man | Junger Mann | Bursch |
kiss | Kuss | Busserl |
to be bored | sich langweilen | sich fadisieren |
pretty | hübsch oder attraktiv | fesch |
January | Januar | Jänner |
SEO German for Germany & Austria
Marketing & SEO translations for Germany and Austria?
The basic assumption that a website in German is also perfectly adequate for Austria will quickly prove to be wrong. For a positive user experience, it is necessary to pay attention to the subtleties of the respective language habits. The influence of different factors on the respective country has led to significant differences over time. A user from Austria would immediately recognize whether a website is tailored to his needs and habits or is simply a copy of the German website. In addition to the logistical aspects, localization should be precisely observed even in the case of minor differences such as between Germany and Austria. This creates high customer satisfaction and long-term ties
What is the difference between SEO translations for Germany and Austria?
There are central aspects that should be considered when localizing in Austria. The differences in the names of the months with January, Feber and February are just as striking as the vocabulary in the kitchen. Blaukraut, Eierschwammerl, Erdapfel, Rahm, Faschiertes or Germ are typical for Austria and should be used accordingly in stores or recipes. Further differences between the language in Germany and Austria can be found in weight designations, in the medical field or in the naming of numbers, letters and signs. A very good SEO translation for German should definitely take this into account.
Tips for SEO translations in German
What are the tips for very good German SEO translations?
- Define the target market exactly to get a correct SEO translation in German.
- Conduct extensive keyword research in the target market to identify local differences.
- Rely on experienced agencies with native speakers for the target market.
- Orient yourself to the needs and customer approach in the target market.
- Avoid literal translation and go for individual expressions.
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Get in Touch
MONDIS provides professional SEO translations to make your website visible to international audiences

We adapt existing SEO texts for all desired languages and markets and advise on all factors affecting the visibility of your multilingual website in target markets.
Contact: Michael Quast, Managing Partner
Telephone: +49 30 48496622-0
Email: contact@mondis.de