SEO Translation English
As an agency for SEO translations in English, we support you in your SEO strategy with regard to internationalization in the English-speaking world. We do not rely on a literal translation of the content, but take into account the local requirements of the English language. With MONDIS, your content will be perceived correctly in the English-speaking world.
Using English correctly as a world language online
Where are the challenges in SEO translations in English?
English has the status of an official language in a total of 60 countries around the world. Accordingly, the challenge of internationalization in the English-speaking world is great. Contrary to the assumption that a translation into English is perfectly sufficient to serve all target markets equally, local requirements must be met in every SEO translation. When evaluating websites, search engines such as Google or Bing take into account whether the exact customer approach and local language customs have been included in the content. In addition to localization, it is important to research the appropriate keywords that guarantee a high number of visitors in order to increase one’s own visibility in the search engines. The interaction of exact knowledge of the target market, the translation by a native speaker and the knowledge of the search-relevant keywords make a very good SEO translation.
Localize English SEO Texts
English is also often referred to as the “gateway to the world” because so many people have knowledge of the English language. But it is precisely this that forms the biggest challenge in SEO translations in English. It is spoken in Great Britain, Australia, the USA, Singapore, Nigeria or Canada, among others. All countries have not only a separate vocabulary, but also different spellings, pronunciations and accents. In order to address each of these target markets in a way that is appropriate for search engines, comprehensive attention must be paid to the respective localization. It is important to recognize the respective linguistic, cultural and search engine relevant terms and to include them in the English translation. Only then will you have the opportunity to find a perfect customer approach and achieve excellent rankings in the search engines.
English SEO Translations
What are typical mistakes in English translations?
- False Friends: The so-called “false friends” occur quite often in SEO translations. This involves the use of supposed English terms that either do not even exist in the English language or have a different meaning. Classic examples are “persons” instead of “people” (plural of person) or “mean/meaning” instead of “think/opinion”.
- Incorrect preposition: Prepositions link nouns, pronouns, and phrases to other words within a sentence, and therefore they have an important meaning. In English translations, incorrect prepositions are often used. For example, for days of the week (correct on monday) or seasons or years (correct in winter or in 2017).
- Plural and Singular: The use of plural and singular and the respective grammatical differences often become a source of error. The classical appendix with “s” is not applied to all nouns as examples like “person – people; sheep – sheep; child – children” clearly show.
- Problems with the articles: The definite and indefinite articles play an important role in translations. The use of “a” or “an” is still clear to most, but when the article is used and when it is not is a bit more complex. As a guide, when talking about people or things in general, the article can be omitted. (Life is hard and not The life is hard.)
- S-P-O: A basic rule of English grammar is subject-predicate-object. This allows hardly any individual freedom in sentence order, but is often disregarded.
Keyword research for English
What is searched for in English-speaking countries?
It is the subtleties that distinguish a very good SEO translation. The multitude of English-speaking countries requires comprehensive keyword research for each target market. Regional differences can be clearly seen. In Australia, for example, the top 5 search terms for 2020 included “US Election, coronavirus, fires near me, coronavirus Victoria, toilet paper.” In the USA, on the other hand, it was “election results, coronavirus, stimulus checks, unemployment, Iran”. The regional differences lead not only to a shift in interests, but also in the weighting or application of keywords.
Consider search engine shares
Other countries are synonymous with different user behavior. In connection with search engine optimization, people often only talk about Google. However, the market share of the Internet giant in the USA is “only” 67 percent, while Bing can also claim a relevant share with 25 percent. In Australia, on the other hand, Google is the market leader with 95 percent without any impairment. Such differences must be recognized and taken into account in keyword research for SEO translations.
American vs. British English
Differences between American and British English
American English | British English |
color | colour |
behavior | behaviour |
apartment | flat |
vacation | holiday |
drugstore | chemist’s |
I’m going to a party on the weekend. | I’m going to a party at the weekend. |
Monday through Friday | Monday to Friday |
SEO English USA & UK
What are the differences between SEO translations for the USA and the UK?
If the USA or Great Britain are specified as target markets, the regional language habits must be taken into account in translations. There cannot be a clear separation due to different accents within the countries, yet there are peculiarities that must be taken into account. Americans usually pronounce all [r] sounds in full, while people in the UK tend to pronounce the [r] only when it is the first sound in the word. In other positions, the written [r] is given the sound like an [a]. In German, it is comparable to the Berlin dialect, where “Berliner” tends to become “Berlina”. This can result in erroneous search results that need to be checked.
Spelling & Vocabulary in the US and UK
As the table (see above) shows, there are differences in spelling and vocabulary used in both cultural areas. In an SEO translation, these significant differences are noticed both by the user of a website and by the search engine, which can automatically detect such errors. If the differences in spelling can still be concealed, the different terminology is particularly noticeable. The search for vacation in the form of “vacation” or “vacation” will have a decisive negative effect on a travel provider if he chooses a standardized translation. The same can be applied to the housing market, where it is particularly obvious with “apartment” and “flat”.
Tips for English SEO Translations
What are the tips for very good English SEO translations?
- Define the target market accurately to get a correct SEO translation in English.
- Conduct extensive keyword research in the target market to identify local differences.
- Rely on experienced agencies with native speakers for the target market.
- Orient yourself to the needs and customer approach in the target market.
- Avoid literal translation and go for individual liberties and subtleties.
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Get in Touch
MONDIS provides professional SEO translations to make your website visible to international audiences

We adapt existing SEO texts for all desired languages and markets and advise on all factors affecting the visibility of your multilingual website in target markets.
Contact: Michael Quast, Managing Partner
Telephone: +49 30 48496622-0
Email: contact@mondis.de