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SEO-optimized translations

Internationalization for different target markets is associated with several challenges. In addition to the localized translation by a native speaker, there are requirements from search engines to achieve very good rankings with the content created. With MONDIS, you receive high-quality translations that are precisely tailored to the target market and take into account the most important SEO aspects.

SEO-optimized translations for different markets

In the planning phase of internationalization, not only technical factors should play a central role. Content is an important element in order to be successful in the planned target markets. Relying on the simple translation of existing content from the home market can turn out to be a bad decision. Without taking into account the local particularities of the customer approach and the keywords being searched for, the desired internationalization will not be crowned with success.

Localize SEO texts

Localization plays a central role in SEO translations. English, French, Spanish and Portuguese, which are spoken in several countries, are examples of this. An English translation for the entire English-speaking world will by no means be effective. Examples of this are the different keyword sets in British and American English or the customer approach in European and Brazilian Portuguese. The continental differences alone are so striking that a localized translation must be created for each country.

SEO aspects for international websites

Which SEO factors can support an optimal ranking in international markets?

  • Title: The title plays a key role in SEO optimization. Based on in-depth keyword research, appealing titles must be formulated that cover the most important keywords and also appeal to customers in the best possible way.
  • Meta description: The meta description is not an explicit ranking factor, but has an indirect influence on the evaluation of rankings. With a very well formulated meta description, potential customers can be encouraged to click and the resulting increase in CTR (click-through rate) is rated positively by search engines.
  • Headings: Use the option of implementing an H1, H2 and several H3 or H4 headings in the content. These can be used for additional keywords and synonyms and as important anchor points within the text.
  • Bold: Users and search engines prefer it when important passages within the content are emphasized. As points of reference for clarification, they flow into a positive overall evaluation of a website.
  • Internal Links: Links within the content to other subpages make it easier for the search engine to crawl and allow you to draw attention to other products or services.
  • Pictures: Pictures say more than words. Texts in combination with the right images support the ranking of a page and ensure a positive customer experience. To this end, images should be provided with an alt tag and a description in order to maintain the chance of generating additional traffic via image search.

Unique translations

Unique content for a successful ranking

Many store operators and service providers have a strong tendency to rewrite existing content only minimally, without taking into account the specifics of the countries and regions. For an optimal ranking in all target markets, it is necessary to create unique texts and content that are precisely tailored to the customer’s needs. Addressing customers with “Du” or “Sie”, the desire for short or long descriptions, the various payment methods and even the delivery options must be included in the planning of internationalization in this context.

Native speakers with local knowledge

SEO translations for the new target markets should always be carried out by a native speaker. Not only is the correct use of the respective language important, but local factors must also be integrated. It is important to recognize the respective linguistic, cultural and search engine-relevant terms and to prepare these accordingly for the customer in the content. The differences in spelling and the vocabulary used are immediately apparent to the user. They can be a decisive factor in whether a store works or is not accepted by the customer.

Tips for successful SEO translations

What tips are there for very good SEO translations?

  • A comprehensive analysis of the target market with regard to cultural, economic and search engine-relevant factors is the basis for successful internationalization.
  • The optimal basis for SEO translations is comprehensive keyword research to determine relevance and the competitive environment.
  • Take advantage of the skills of native speakers who are familiar with local customs.
  • Ideally, avoid a literal translation. Give the translators leeway to incorporate the perfect customer approach into an SEO translation.

Internationally visible with professional SEO translations by MONDIS

Michael Q

During this process, we adapt existing texts optimally to the local conditions of your target markets and advise you on all factors that will make your multilingual website more visible worldwide.

Contact: Michael Quast, Managing Director
Phone: +49 30 48496622-0
E-mail: kontakt@mondis.de

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