Legal notice

Akazienstraße 3A
10823 Berlin

Telephone: +49 30 48496622-0

Representative: Michael Quast and Steffen Lienig (Managing Directors)

Commercial register court: Amtsgericht Berlin-Charlottenburg
Register number: HRB 205278 B

VAT identification number: DE324566279

Responsible for content: Michael Quast (address as above)


The provider assumes no responsibility whatsoever for the currency, accuracy, completeness or quality of the information provided. The information provided is either used or not, at the user’s own risk. All offers are subject to change without notice and non-binding. We explicitly point out that we do not assume any liability for the content of external links, despite our rigorous checks. The operators of the linked websites bear sole responsibility for the content of the links. All rights reserved. The text, images, graphics, sound, animation and videos, as well as their arrangement on this website, are subject to copyright protection and other protective legislation. The content of this website may not be copied, processed or modified for commercial purposes, or made available to third parties. Should any content on this website not have been created by the operator of the website, any third-party copyrights will be respected and the content of third parties will be identified as such. If you nevertheless become aware of a copyright infringement, please inform us accordingly. We will remove such content immediately upon becoming aware of any infringements.