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SEO-optimized translations

By taking important SEO criteria into account, we are able to create localized translations that guarantee a successful ranking on the one hand and find the perfect customer approach for the target market on the other. You can find out how to do this in our article.

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Eine Person sitzt an einem Schreibtisch vor einem Computer, mit Schriftstücken in der Hand und Arbeitsutensilien auf dem Tisch.

International content processes

Clever planning based on a standardized content process with fixed cycles saves time and money. Read our article to find out how a clearly structured process can improve and simplify your work process and make your content more successful and visible. Find out more about it now.

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Vier Personen, die sich anlächeln oder Hände schütteln.

SEO translations as an important marketing tool

As a marketing channel, SEO influences numerous factors for international business success. With SEO translation by a native speaker, new customers can be acquired and targeted. By incorporating relevant keywords into the content, search engine rankings and visibility are increased.

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